• Asset Management
    Asset Management
    Manage all your cybersecurity inventory.
  • Application Inventory
    Application Inventory
    Track your app inventory.
  • Licence Managment
    Licence Management
    Manage your licenses.
  • Action
    See all users
  • Vulnerability Management
    Asset Vulnerability Management
    Discover vulnerabilities for all your assets.
  • Action
    Action Center
    Take automatic action with integrations.
  • Action
    Risk Map
    Detect the most risky area

Asset Management

We are revolutionizing asset attack surface management.

Fill in the gaps left by agent-based asset management solutions.
Discover server, client, cloud, and IoT device gaps. Octoxlabs works with agentless technolgy and enhances your visibility with 150+ API integrations.
Asset Management

Application Inventory

Track and report your 3rd software regularly.
Application Inventory

License Management

Keep track of your installed applications licenses at any time. You can see how many licenses you have left, how many have been used and the renewal date from a single point.
Keep track of your installed applications licenses at any time. How many licenses you have left, used and the renewal date from a single point.
licence managment


Comply a User Inventory

See all your users on single point
Users that you have to open separately for each product. Enrich your user data with integrations with intelligence services. Follow the local account and you can do this for all products.
Asset Management

Asset Vulnerability Management

20+ trusted vulnerability data sources
Detect vulnerabilities from a single point. Devices that have a vulnerability but no security agents installed can be discovered. In this way,you can protect your security investments and improve your security.
Vulnerability Management
Action Center

Action Center

Because of its integarations,the OctoXLabs CAASM Platform automates many tasks.
Automates manual tasks,allowing you to make better use of your time.It keeps you safe.

Risk Map

See risky areas on the map

Collaboration for cybersecurity teams
Which subnet, location, or tag environments are at risk? See the riskiest areas and take quick action As we always say, increase your visibility from a single point.
Risk Map


Get detailed information about your devices, users, and vulnerabilities with OctoXLabs 150+ predefined integrations that connect to the solutions you already use.

Why OctoXLabs

Comprehensive security
Connect to all security solutions with API integrations.
Integrate with all security solutions with 150+ pre-defined integrations.
A Single Platform
Manage all inventory from a single point.

About OctoXLabs

OctoXLabs was founded in 2021 to solve a complex problem.
Why is it so difficult to meet the basic needs of end users of servers, clouds, and IoT devices and invest millions of dollars in cybersecurity? Based on the motto ‘You can not manage what you can not see’ we believe that asset management is the first step in cyber security, despite its difficulty.

Request a Demo

We can help you improve your security.
Request a demo to see for yourself about OctoXLabs CAASM Platform.
Get a platform for asset management that is both secure and comprehensive.
Make your flaws known.
Check that your policies are being followed correctly.
Manage your apps.
Get license management.
Keep track of your security flaws.
Make your work more automated.
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